lunedì, 06 maggio, 2024
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THE VIRUS UNDER THE GLASS - by Stefania Porrino

by Stefania Porrino

During the period of pandemic, two brothers, Teresa and Claudio, decide to escape from isolation and take refuge in their small theatre where they can continue to live and work together. They take with them their grandmother, once a great actress, who now lives in a world of her own, memories of theatre, of scripts, prompters and a handful of famous jokes taken from The Cherry Orchard, Three Sisters, Othello, Romeo and Juliet. The two brothers try to adapt to the difficulties of life by working: Teresa rehearses her monologues, Claudio imagines himself conducting a great orchestra and then finishes up composing pop songs on an out of tune piano. Actually the great pain, the great absence that weighs on their life and for which the pandemic is the main cause is the lack of public: acting for who, playing music for who, if nobody risks facing the dangerous and viral droplets to go out of their home and enter into a theater? But suddenly everything seems to change, something new happens: thanks to the new D.P.C.M theaters can open again and thanks to the passion and to the tenacity of the three artists the public will return to rediscover the regenerative power of art.

Ultima modifica il Sabato, 29 Gennaio 2022 19:33
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