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PHYSIQUE DES RÔLES Paolo is a young oncologist who lives his profession with passion and enthusiasm. He has also not resigned to the end of his long love story with his college sweetheart, now his colleague. One day a mature woman is admitted at the clinic where he works. Francesca, this is her name, seems to want to erase every trace of her past and expresses herself mainly through books and poetry. Their encounter is destined to free them from their patterns of suffering and project them onto a new plane of existence, where - by a law of “Roles Physics” - every withering leads to a new blossoming. |
PHYSIQUE DES RÔLES Paolo è un giovane oncologo che vive la sua professione con entusiasmo e passione, ma che non si rassegna alla fine della sua storia d’amore con una collega, cominciata sui banchi di scuola. Nella clinica in cui lavora, di proprietà del padre della ragazza, si ricovera, un giorno, Francesca, una donna matura che sembra voler cancellare ogni traccia del proprio passato e raccontarsi solo attraverso i libri e la poesia. L’incontro fra i due si dispiega pian piano come un gioco del destino, che mira a liberarli dagli schemi di sofferenza in cui risultano intrappolati e a proiettarli su un piano di esistenza dove – per una legge della fisica dei ruoli – ogni appassire reca con sé un rifiorire. |
LOLEK'S PLAY Spring 2005. In a theatre of a village in Ciociaria, a group of professional actors is about to finish the exhausting rehearsals of “Life of Galileo” by Brecht. Then something happens that catches the attention of the whole world. On April 2nd, at 9.37 pm, Karol Wojtyla dies. Cinemas and theatres close down for days because of the funeral. The debut date has to be postponed, thus jeopardising participations in the play. When the lead actor leaves the company, the role of Galileo is given to a young Polish pilgrim, who happens to be in the theatre and is surprisingly prepared for the part… |
LA RECITA DI LOLEK Primavera 2005. Nel teatro di un paese della Ciociaria, un gruppo di attori professionisti sta faticosamente ultimando le prove di “Vita di Galileo” di Brecht, quando un evento viene a calamitare l’interesse del mondo intero: alle 21.37 del 2 aprile, muore Karol Wojtyla. La chiusura di cinema e teatri in concomitanza delle esequie, fa slittare la data del debutto, compromettendo programmi e presenze. L’abbandono della compagnia da parte del primo attore fa sì che il ruolo di Galileo venga affidato ad un giovane pellegrino polacco, capitato in teatro e incredibilmente pronto ad affrontare la parte… |
REAR WALL Alfred Hitchcock and his wife Alma are on a relaxing holiday in Saint Moritz. They’ve returned to their honeymoon hotel. One night, an unexpected visit interrupts their peace: it’s their friend François Truffaut. Another interview, maybe? No. As Alma opens the door to the famous French filmmaker, a series of plot twists begins. This is not just a psychological thriller, following in the footsteps of two great masters of cinema and a pioneer woman of the seventh art. This is a story that unfolds like a movie, in search of the cause and the meaning of every human creation. |