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La Redazione

La Redazione

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Mercoledì, 28 Dicembre 2022
Pubblicato in Sinopsi testi
Etichettato sotto

One act - three characters
di Giampiero Della Nina

Three characters: two females and one male. Three different experiences, one purpose: to find the love of the life. The marriage agency to which the three characters have turned is called CAT, a truly suggestive denomination that refers to the image of a kitten in need of care and protection. Evidently there is an error on the part of whoever organized the meeting. And who could have organized it if not Marco? And with what murky purpose? Annoyed, they want to leave, but Marco's insistence on giving an explanation, in any case, intrigues them. They sit at the table in the bar, the place set for the appointment and end up appreciating the opportunity offered by that man they considered a dangerous psychopath.
(The comedy was the winner of the International Award for Italian Authors 2022, organized by Sipario Magazine)

Giovedì, 08 Dicembre 2022
Pubblicato in Scuole di Teatro Catania
Etichettato sotto
Scuola di Teatro - Teatroimpulso Scuola di Teatro - Teatroimpulso APS

via giovanni gentile 29 - 95121 Catania
c + 39 349 4002700

Lunedì, 28 Novembre 2022
Pubblicato in Sipario 2022

In copertina:  Massimo Popolizio in M Il figlio del secolo. Foto Masiar Pasquali.

Pagina 16 di 1082

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